


Every year, we recognize Omaha-area business luminaries for their incredible legacies and commitment to their business, 行业与社区. Honorees are inducted into the Omaha Business Hall of Fame at a brilliant gala supporting the next generation of Omaha professionals.

发起于1993年,作为推荐几个体彩外围app百年纪念的一部分, 奥马哈商业名人堂活动包括开胃菜晚餐和鸡尾酒时间, 入职仪式及甜点招待. 然后将成就展示在 在达勒姆博物馆永久展出.






6 PM 开胃小菜:晚餐 & 鸡尾酒小时
7:30 PM |入职仪式
9 PM |甜品接待





Lance M. Fritz


Lance Fritz

Lance M. 弗里茨曾担任联合太平洋公司董事长, president, 从2015年到2023年担任首席执行官, 当他在铁路公司工作了23年后退休时. 他目前担任公司的特别顾问.

Lance began his 联合太平洋铁路 career in July 2000 as vice president and general manager-Energy in the company’s Marketing and Sales Department. 在他的联合太平洋职业生涯中, 他还曾在运营和劳动关系部门担任行政职务, 兼任联合太平洋公司总裁兼首席运营官.

除了目前在联合太平洋铁路担任的职务外,Lance还加入了Fiserv, Inc .的董事会. 截至今年2月中旬.

Lance is a graduate of Bucknell University and earned a master’s degree in management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. 他是内布拉斯加州医学的董事会成员, 奥马哈动物学会, Kiewit Luminarium, 派克汉尼汾公司公司, 和商业委员会.

兰斯和他妻子, Julie, have two children and are committed to helping women and children at risk in the Omaha community.

Mickey, C.L., & Jim Landen


Clarence L. 小米奇·兰登.
Founder (1924-2011)
Clarence L. “C.L.兰登,第三章
James E. 老吉姆·兰登.
Mickey, C.L., & Jim Landen

Clarence L. 小米奇·兰登. 1964年成立安全国家银行,致力于提供更高水平的服务. 他一直活跃在银行,直到2011年以87岁高龄去世. Mickey and his wife, Mary, shared a love for their community and a commitment to giving back.

Clarence L. “C.L.兰登,第三章.他于1980年加入花旗,曾担任总裁和现任首席执行官等职位. He also serves on the board of directors of Methodist Hospital and Nebraska Methodist Health System. 他是Aksarben基金会的前任理事, 他和他的妻子, Patty, 是心脏部中心圣烟募捐会的联合主席.

James E. 老吉姆·兰登., 担任执行主席, 他于1987年加入世行,职业生涯的大部分时间都是担任总裁,后来担任首席执行官. 吉姆继承了兰登家族参与救世军的传统, 国家和奥马哈顾问委员会的成员. 他也是克拉克森地区卫生服务的董事会成员. 吉姆和他的妻子迪尼在2021年被评为年度联合劝募协会公民.




Sid Meridith

Founder & 董事局主席
保安设备公司. (SEi)

Sid Meridith

Sid Meridith来自布恩,他的父母在那里开了一家小杂货店. 在很小的时候,他就被教导如何在一个小的商业环境中满足客户.  在上了一间只有一间教室的学校之后, 在圣爱德华读高中, 席德进入内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学攻读商学学位.  毕业后,席德加入了海军,在越南服役了7年.  服兵役后, 他带着企业家的心态在奥马哈定居下来,创办了保安设备公司 ..(SEi). 1969年10月. 

SEi在林肯有办事处, Des Moines, Iowa City, and Kansas City with over 220 employees and a fleet of installation/service vehicles that provide services to more than 18,在41个州拥有1000名客户.

Sid, 和他的妻子萨拉, 与许多社区组织合作,比如:美国退伍军人协会, 内布拉斯加州社区基金会, 自闭症行动伙伴关系, Boys&内布拉斯加州卫斯理女子俱乐部,无限鸭子俱乐部终身会员 & 野鸡永远.






Connie Ryan获得了内布拉斯加州大学医学院的医学技术学位 中心,并加入家族企业,斯特莱克公司., in 1982. 她于1992年当选总统 CEO in 2013. 

从那时起,公司经历了持续、稳定的增长 收购和引进45种新产品. 2023财年的收入超过225美元 million. 斯特莱克最近在康妮的指导下被卖给了麦迪逊工业公司. 


Connie served as a Habitat Omaha Board Member from 2015 to 2020 and on the Habitat Omaha Advisory Council from 2021 to 2022. In 2023, Sue Thaden, Connie co-founded the Women Build: Belvedere-Miller Park Project to raise funds for the acquisition of homes, 关键的房屋维修和社区清理在观景角, 米勒公园和明尼卢萨社区.


她目前担任Luminarium董事会成员, 奥马哈交响乐委员会, iEXCEL咨询委员会, 以及UNMC的质量委员会. 她是YPO Gold和首席执行官组织的成员.



Joan H. Squires


Joan H. Squires

Joan H. 斯奎尔斯是奥马哈表演艺术(O-pa)的总裁. 她在20多年前创立了这个组织, 现在O-pa是内布拉斯加州最大的艺术组织, 监督奥菲姆剧院, 荷兰表演艺术中心, Steelhouse奥马哈, 以及田纳西州艺术参与中心(2026年初开放). 

Joan is a voting member for Broadway’s Tony Awards and is an ex-officio member of the Broadway League Executive Committee and Board of Governors and co-chairs the Jimmy Awards Advisory Committee. 

她是总督艺术奖的获得者, 因其在艺术领域的领导作用而被提名为Ak-Sar-Ben荣誉法庭成员, 并被评为音乐剧美国30位“推动者和塑造者”之一.” Joan was honored with the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Presenter Management from the Broadway League, was recognized as “Midlander of the Year” by the Omaha World Herald and was named the “Woman of Distinction” by the Midlands Business Journal. 


预定截止日期为 星期二,2024年8月13日. 在此日期之后,取消将不予退款.

本次活动的收益将帮助支持推荐几个体彩外围app基金会的努力 本地区经济增长强劲, diverse economy; help attract and retain young professionals and maintain the permanent Omaha Business Hall of Fame exhibit at the Durham Museum.

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You can purchase the ads through our registration page; no ticket purchase is necessary. 如果您有任何问题,请发邮件至Events@OmahaChamber.org.


The 推荐几个体彩外围app annually inducts civic and business leaders whose accomplishments are both outstanding and historically significant. 每年都没有固定的入选人数.
  • Preserve the role of individual business achievement in Greater Omaha’s history through a permanent Omaha Business Hall of Fame.
  • Recognize individuals who have contributed to the business history of the Greater Omaha area in some significant manner, either through sustained superior accomplishment or through a specific important achievement.
  • Foster recognition by the general public of the importance of business and free enterprise to the development, 未来的发展和大奥马哈地区的整体生活质量.
  • 为大奥马哈地区的整体商业形象做出贡献.
  • Professionals and persons from large and small businesses who have made an outstanding contribution to the free enterprise system will be considered. The individual may be the founder or someone who contributed significantly to company development and may be active, 退休或去世. Civic and/or philanthropic activities are relevant but not the primary factor in selection.
  • The volunteer selection committee seeks individuals representing ethnic diversity who have demonstrated exceptional business leadership within their community.
  • The laureates may or may not currently hold the position in which they achieved major success and for which they are being honored.
  • Nominees must have resided in the Greater Omaha metropolitan area during their contribution to the community but do not need to currently reside there.
  • 每年都没有固定的入选人数.




本次活动的举办得益于推荐几个体彩外围app的赞助商的慷慨捐助. 推荐几个体彩外围app感谢他们的支持.


毕马威是世界领先的专业服务公司之一, 提供创新的业务解决方案和审计, tax, 并为许多世界上最大和最负盛名的组织提供咨询服务. 毕马威被广泛认为是一个非常适合工作的地方, building a rewarding career and supporting inclusion and diversity and lifelong learning programs. 推荐几个体彩外围app的员工对推荐几个体彩外围app的工作有着共同的使命感, 以及对推荐几个体彩外围app做正确事情的核心价值观的坚定承诺, 提供优质服务, 尊重彼此,支持当地社区. 推荐几个体彩外围app在奥马哈和林肯的专业人员提供全球支持, 行业的见解, and the quality service our clients expect and deserve by working together with the right team of professionals who live and serve in our mutual community.

欲知详情,请浏览 www.kpmg.com/us

US Bank

U.S. Bancorp, 大约70人,截至今年3月31日,该公司拥有约5000名员工和5870亿美元资产, 2022, 是U.S. 全国银行协会. 内布拉斯加州有34个州.S. 在10个城市设有银行办事处. 其中,17家位于奥马哈市区. 这家总部位于明尼阿波利斯的公司为当地数百万客户提供服务, nationally, and globally through a diversified mix of businesses: Consumer and Business Banking; Payment Services; Corporate & Commercial Banking; and Wealth Management and Investment Services. 该公司在数字创新方面的做法得到了认可, 社会责任, 以及客户服务, including being named one of the 2022 World’s Most Ethical Companies and Fortune’s most admired superregional bank.

欲知详情,请浏览 www.usbank.com/about


弗雷泽Stryker PC LLO provides comprehensive legal solutions to clients in the Midwest and throughout the country. Whether our clients need strategic legal guidance or formidable litigation representation, our pragmatic approach and collaborative working style ensuring that each client receives customized legal representation. 推荐几个体彩外围app全方位的法律服务包括商法, litigation, 就业法, technology, 员工福利, 政府和监管机构, energy, 遗产规划, 非营利组织法律, and more.

通过参观来发现弗雷泽·史崔克的一切 www.fraserstryker.com



桥梁的信任, established in 1945, is a leading wealth management firm based in Omaha, Nebraska. With a team of 80 professionals overseeing assets exceeding $10 billion for a diverse clientele with varying needs and affluent backgrounds, 包括管理2美元.60亿美元用于非营利机构. 作为该州第一个注册投资顾问, 桥梁的信任仍然是私有的, 专门打造适合提供信任的服务, 投资管理, 家庭办公室, 为不断增长的客户群提供慈善咨询和战略规划服务.
致力于为几代人提供持久的价值, 桥梁的信任 maintains a legacy of trust and excellence both in the financial sector and within the community. 致力于支持所服务的社区, 桥梁的信任 actively contributes to over 50 organizations each year through donations and sponsorships.

欲知详情,请浏览 www.bridgestrust.com 然后连接 LinkedIn for updates.


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